Give Your Smile the Best! Learn about Teeth Whitening, Invisalign, and Dental Implants in Kent WA

Our clinic performs a wide variety of services to help you get the smile you deserve. By leveraging today's advanced techniques and technology, Kent dentists Dr. Mike Hsieh and Dr. Christine Chen can restore your beautiful smile to help you maintain your youthful appearance. Whether you need to get a tooth filled, have crooked teeth, or need a complete smile makeover, we can offer a treatment plan that's right for you. Read below to learn more about some of the procedures we offer.

Dental Cleanings
At Choice Family Dentistry, we believe that routine dental cleanings are essential for maintaining good oral hygiene and a healthy smile. While regular brushing and flossing at home are crucial, they cannot always remove the hardened plaque and...
Dental Exams and X-Rays
Routine dental exams are a cornerstone of maintaining healthy teeth and gums and preventing costly dental treatments in the future. At Choice Family Dentistry, we believe that regular checkups play a vital role in catching problems early,...
Oral Cancer Screenings
Our office is not only dedicated to your smile, we're also dedicated to your overall wellness. We take a holistic approach to your dental care, which includes an oral cancer screening as a part of your regular exam. Like many kinds of...
Pediatric Dentistry
At Choice Family Dentistry, we understand that a child’s first dental visit should be a positive and enjoyable experience. It’s important to foster good dental habits early on and ensure that your child feels comfortable in the...
Early Cavity Detection
Using a non-invasive technology, we can scan your teeth to examine your tooth structure. Laser cavity detection is based on the fact that healthy tooth structure reflects light, or “fluoresces,” differently than does decayed tooth...
Composite Fillings
At Choice Family Dentistry, we understand how important it is to preserve the natural appearance and function of your teeth, even when treating cavities or other dental issues. One of the most effective ways to restore a tooth after decay is by...
Amalgam Fillings
At Choice Family Dentistry, we prioritize your oral health and are dedicated to providing the best restorative options available. One option our Kent WA affordable dentist office recommends is amalgam fillings, commonly known as silver-colored...
Root Canal Therapy
Root canal therapy is treatment used to repair and save a tooth that has been infected due to a deep cavity or cracked tooth. The treatment involves removing the pulp and the nerves of the tooth, and cleaning the infected area. A tooth's pulp and...
Tooth Extractions
Tooth extractions are a common dental procedure where a tooth is removed from your mouth. At Choice Family Dentistry, our trusted dentist in Kent WA ensures that every extraction is performed with utmost care and precision to promote your oral...
Fluoride Treatment
Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay when used routinely in small amounts. It works by remineralizing teeth, disrupting bacteria’s ability to create acids, and making a tooth more cavity resistant. Fluoride occurs naturally in water and is...
Sealants protect the grooved and pitted surfaces of the teeth especially the chewing surfaces of the back teeth where most cavities in children are found.  About 80% of all children’s cavities occur in grooves and pits. Sealants are...
Sports Mouth Guards
Athletic mouth guards help prevent injury to the mouth area, especially the teeth,lips,cheeks, and tongue. We fabricate custom mouth guards that provide the best fit and protection for children and teenagers. In addition to protecting teeth, one...
Night Guards
Nightguards are made of a clear acrylic and can be priceless when worn by a patient who has a severe bruxing (grinding) problem. Nightguards also will act as a retainer (orthodontic) and keep teeth from drifting for a...
Dental Emergency Care
Dental emergencies have a reputation for occurring at the most inconvenient times.  If you or someone in your family is experiencing a dental emergency, please contact Comfort Family Dentistry so that we may assess your problem over the...
Teeth Whitening
Our teeth can discolor through the years as our enamel wears down. The wearing down of enamel allows dentin, a yellow color substance that makes the core of our teeth, to show through. This is what gives our teeth a yellowish tint. Teeth whitening...
Zoom Whitening
Keeping our teeth their whitest is a lot harder than it sounds. With all the coffee, wine, smoking and other foods that have the ability to stain our teeth on a daily basis, even proper maintenance sometimes leaves them a little lackluster....
Invisalign is a new system of straightening teeth without the use of conventional braces. A series of clear plastic aligners are utilized to create tooth movement. Moving teeth with removable aligners is not new. However, the computer program,...
Traditional Braces   Beyond their traditional color, the only thing traditional about these braces is that you can see them. Contemporary braces are made of super strong metal alloys derived from the space program. Their strength allows...
Porcelain Crowns
Compared to fillings which just cover a small portion of a tooth, a crown (or cap) encases the entire visible portion of a tooth. In effect, the crown acts as the tooth's new outer surface.A dental crown is used when a tooth is broken or decayed...
Dental Bridges
A dental bridge is a false tooth that is used to fill the gap created by a missing tooth or teeth. A gap between your teeth can be potentially dangerous to your dental health, as it can cause your teeth to shift resulting in a change in your bite...
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are thin custom made shells that cover the front surface of your tooth to improve their appearance. They are made of tooth colored materials and can be used to improve the color of teeth that have been worn down or stained....
Dental Bonding
Dental Bonding is a restoration procedure in which a tooth-colored resin is bonded to a tooth and cured with an ultraviolet light. Bonding is faster and less expensive than veneers or crowns, and can thus be a good option to make small cosmetic...
Denture Basics: Information for First-Time Denture Wearers We all hope our natural teeth will last a lifetime. But when this isn’t possible, dental professionals can offer a number of options to restore oral function and appearance. Thanks to...
Dental Inlays and Onlays
Dental inlays and onlays are a more conservative approach to tooth restoration than full crowns. The are used to repair rear teeth that have mild to moderate tooth decay, or for cracked teeth where the damage does not warrant a dental crown....
Gum Contouring
Are you embarrassed by your smile for reasons other than a problem with your teeth? Instead, you may hate the way your smile is dominated by your gums, regardless if you have bright, white teeth. At Comfort Family Dentistry, we are dedicated to...
Full Mouth Reconstruction
Full mouth reconstruction/restoration is the combination of cosmetic dentistry procedures used to rebuild and restore all of your teeth in your upper and lower jaws. A smile may need full mouth reconstruction if it has...
Dental Implants
Dental implants are becoming an increasingly popular method for replacing missing teeth. In this procedure, titanium supports are surgically fused with your jawbone, and act as an anchor for naturally looking false teeth. Dental implants are not...
Wisdom Teeth Extraction
Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that emerge, usually during your late teens to early twenties. For some people the wisdom teeth emerge through the gums and have enough room to grow in naturally. For others, wisdom teeth often...
Implant Supported Dentures
Implant-supported dentures are over-dentures fixed to the gums by mini implants. For patients with an uncomfortable or loose-fitting denture, stabilizing it with mini implants can be a more comfortable and functional solution.   Mini...
Sinus Augmentation
Loss of posterior teeth may result in excessive forces being placed on your remaining teeth.  Fortunately, the use of dental implants and crowns allow you to replace these missing teeth.  However, the position of the sinus in the upper...
The frenum is a naturally occurring muscle attachment, normally seen between the front teeth. It connects the inner aspect of the lip with the gum. A lack of attached gingiva, in conjunction with a high frenum attachment, which exaggerates the...
Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is where the jawbone is built up to accommodate a dental implant or other restorative device. Bone grafting is a common procedure that is used frequently for dental implants and other periodontal procedures. The bone used to graft...
TMJ Dysfunction
TMJ stands for temporal-mandibular joint. Temporal, as in temple area on the skull; mandibular as in mandible, or lower jaw; joint as in its where the head and jaw meet. Problems in this joint may be caused by a misalignment of the teeth,...
Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) occurs when soft tissue in the rear of the throat collapses, blocking the airway. This may occur 30 times or more an hour and causes you to stop breathing anywhere from 10 seconds to 3 minutes.   If a...
Laser Periodontal Management
The periodontal laser is a high-tech piece of equipment that produces a concentrated beam of light. Through the use of fiber optics, the light is placed in your mouth and removes infection and gum disease from around your teeth....
Post-Op Instructions
It is important to follow instructions after you have oral surgery to ensure proper healing and to avoid complications. As a rule of thumb, you should always wait two hours after surgery before eating to let the anesthesia wear off. Trying to...